Our Ministry

Thanks for visiting our website. If you visit in person, you’ll find us to be a friendly and vibrant church with a heart for God and for our local area. You’re welcome to join us whether you’ve got loads of questions or whether you’ve been following Jesus for decades. I’ve been part of this church with my family since 2018 and I’m so glad to be here. I’d love to meet you so please do visit and say ‘hello’.
James Packman, Rector
For Electoral Roll Application Form see within What’s On below
Our Sunday Services
Our 9am gathering is our most traditional, with a mix of traditional hymns with the occasional more recent addition, sung from hymn books and led by the organ.
This gathering is our Celebration for all ages with children and youth groups. Our Sunday morning starts in Church with a time for everyone to worship together.
Our 6.30pm gathering is a more contemporary, informal style of worship whilst retaining the key focus on Worship and the Word.
Sunday Kids and Sunday Juniors are the groups for children which run part way through our 1045 gathering on a Sunday.
Sunday Youth forms part of Holy Trinity’s 10:45 Sunday Morning service, where young people will then be given the opportunity to join us at Sunday Youth.
Did you miss last week’s sermon, or would like to watch it again? Well, Sunday Catchup is for you! It will be available every week on Youtube.