Our Team

James Packman
Rector 👏
James joined the team in April 2018.
“My family and I are absolutely delighted to be joining the church family at Holy Trinity. God has made it very clear to us that this is where he wants us, and we’re looking forward to finding out how he wants to use us in his service.”
James and his family have moved to Nailsea from Tunbridge Wells where he was Rector of two village churches, for almost 10 years.
It’s important to know, James doesn’t drink tea! But he assures us he’s still a real vicar.

Trevor Dean
Associate Minister
Having studied medicine at The Royal London Hospital, Trevor worked as a GP in Tower Hamlets in inner London. In 1996, after 20 years in the East End, Trevor and the family moved to Nailsea. For the next 22 years Trevor was the senior partner in a GP practice in Knowle West, in south Bristol. He was ordained in 2010 and continues to combines part time general practice work and ministry at Holy Trinity and in Filwood Park Parish in Knowle West. He has been particularly involved in supporting the medical work of the church in Uganda, to which he has taken many teams over the years. He is married to Carol, has three grown up children and two grandsons, and enjoys running, cycling, marmite and take-aways.

Mary Southwood
Safeguarding Officer
Mary has substaintial experience in her Safeguarding role. If you have any comment of concern please talk to or email her with what will be treated as confidential information. Only involving people who can help resolve the issue.
- Phone:07968 087509
- Email:safeguarding@htnailsea.org.uk

Peter Marriner
Head of Administration
Peter Marriner Peter joined the Office Team in June 2023 as Head of Administration and along with Penny and Samantha we provide the administration for Holy Trinity to support the services provided to our community.
- Phone:01275 853227 ext: 101
- Email:headofadmin@htnailsea.org.uk

Charlotte Berry
Children and Families Worker
Charlotte is our Children and Families Worker.
About Charlotte: Originally from Canterbury, God brought Charlotte here in 2018 to be our intern and in 2019 becoming our full time Children and Families worker. Charlotte married Sam in 2022 and they both enjoy playing drums, worshipping and getting stuck into all things at HT.
From Charlotte: 'God put the calling to work with children and families when I gave my life to him aged 20, almost 10 years later I have the privilege of serving the families in Nailsea and I love living and working in this community'.

Adam Griffin
Community & Youth Minister
Adam has been appointed as Community and Youth Minister Adam is married and has lived in Nailsea for 8 years. Prior to this role Adam was a School Vice Prinicpal for some 20 years.
- Phone:01275 853227 ext: 105
- Email:adam.griffin@htnailsea.org.uk
Vernon Parfitt
Church Warden
Vernon Parfitt
Church Warden

Caroline Mason
Caroline was licenced as a Reader in October 2016 and is involved in the 6.30pm team ministry.
- Email:cfmason5@gmail.com

Ruth Jolly

Ruth Jolly
Ruth is a Licensed Reader. As well as being part of the 9am team, she also leads and preaches at other services throughout the week.

Penny Smith
Front Desk Office Assistant
- Phone:01275 853227 ext: 104
- Email:penny.smith@htnailsea.org.uk
Sarah Haigh
Sarah Haigh
Sarah and Julie work tirelessly behind the scenes keeping Trinity House, the Trinity Centre and the Church clean and tidy for all the church members and visitors who use the facilities

Samantha Sandy
Finance Assistant
I joined Holy Trinity in February 2024, I have lived in Nailsea for 28 years and I feel very blessed to have been chosen for the role at HTN. I have been so warmly welcomed and supported.
- Phone:01275 853227
- Email:finance@htnailsea.org.uk.com
Julie Kerkin
Julie Kerkin
Julie and Sarah work tirelessly behind the scenes keeping Trinity House, the Trinity Centre and the Church clean and tidy for all the church members and visitors who use the facilities