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Uganda Fund

The Uganda Fund is a ministry of Holy Trinity,  working with partners in the Church of Uganda in reaching poor communities with practical and spiritual help, and helping the churches impact their communities with the love of Christ. With an emphasis on medical and health promotion projects, we work with churches in Kampala, Mbale, Fort Portal and Kisoro.

From time to time teams from HT and elsewhere visit Uganda to carry out medical outreach camps working with local churches and local medical workers.

We have supported the work of Kabarole Church of Uganda Hospital in Fort Portal, west Uganda, over many years. In the past we have provided funds to assist the hospital obtain amongst others things a new X Ray machine (and a purpose built suite for this), and a new hospital generator to help manage the frequent power cuts in the region. Recently we have enabled the hospital to purchase a replacement ultrasound scanner and also good quality PPE to help protect hospital staff caring for patients with coronavirus.

We have partnered with Muhabura Diocese in the far south west of Uganda developing a clean water and sanitation programme.

We have worked with the church and friends in Mbale in eastern Uganda, undertaking medical camps and equipping a rural community clinic.

Post pandemic we hope to restore team visits to Uganda to continue our partnership in the work of the Gospel.

 Thank you for praying for our mission links in Uganda.

For more information contact Trevor Dean.