Children's Activities

Morning Break
Parent and Toddler Group every Tuesday during term time. Click on the above picture to find out more details.

The Thursday Club
After school club for the whole family every Thursday during term time. Click on the above picture to find out more details.

HT Family Days
Across the year during half terms and school holidays we have HT Family days, these days are popular with families who have primary school aged children. The whole family is invited in to participate with the different activities. We transform the church into a space for tables and crafts and have a different theme every time. We also have games of Bingo, snacks and during warmer months, we make use of the church garden too. The events are always free and any family is welcome to come along to find out what we get up to! The events are usually held during the Easter holidays, Summer Holidays and the Christmas break. See the website for detail or the flyers that are available on the Welcome Desk for the dates and information regarding the next events! Contact Charlotte, our children and family’s worker for more information: