Exploring Faith

At Holy Trinity we have had various courses exploring the Christian Faith including Alpha (information below), Tales of the Unexpected and Hope Explored. If you would like to join our next exploring faith course, we will put information on this page.
We are showing CHOSEN SEASON 2, the video Series which depicts the life of Jesus in his early days. Season 2 is being shown spread across the weeks of January.

We will be showing the whole of Season 2: 2 episodes per night, on every Friday in January. There will be a 30-minute intermission in between episodes where you can informally discuss what you’ve seen, enjoy a hot dog, nachos or popcorn or have a drink at the bar.
Alpha Course
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a set of FREE sessions that explore life and faith. It’s an opportunity to explore the questions of life and get to know other people who are exploring their questions about life, faith and God in a relaxed welcoming, judgement-free and safe environment joining together in a meal whilst exploring faith and God and what it means in today’s world.
Alpha is for anyone interested in exploring questions of life and spirituality. We spend time considering some of the big questions in life including:
“What can I really believe?” ”Does prayer work?” “Who is Jesus?” and “Is there a God?”
What Alpha offers, and what is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in secular culture, to discuss the big questions, life and death and their meaning.
Guardian Newspaper
When is the next course?

Our successful previous Adult course started on Tuesday 16th April (7.30pm till 9.00pm) and ran for 11 weeks. It followed the successful Youth Alpha course that completed in January 2024.
Our next Alpha Youth course starts on January 22nd and runs for 8 weeks.
Sign up at:
ALPHA YOUTH (22-Jan-2025) · ChurchSuite Events
For when future course are planned either check our website or contact the Welcome Desk to register your interest and we will contact you when plans and dates are in place for the next Course.
If you are still unsure and would like more information see the articles for the Alpha Course at: https://alpha.org.uk/try-alpha
Email welcome@htnailsea.org.uk for more info or if you would like to book up for the next course, or find our more information, or if you would like to talk to one our team about faith.