We would like to invite you to pray with us for our world, nation, community and those close to us. You can also agree with others by adding your amen. Please be aware that prayers shared on this Prayer Wall are available to be viewed by anyone – not just members of Holy Trinity Nailsea. You can leave your name or post your prayer anonymously.
If you are posting a prayer on behalf of someone else please ensure you check it’s ok with them before posting.
You can also email prayer@htnailsea.org.uk with a prayer request and a small team will commit to praying for your request every day for a week from the day you email the request.
If you need practical help in any way, there are lots of places that can help. We run CAP courses if you are struggling with your finances either call the office on 01275 853227 to find out when the next one is or check here.
The local CAP Debt Centre can help with sorting out debt contact Ann Tarr (Debt Centre Manager) 07568 354880 or email anntarr@capuk.org. The foodbank is open every Friday and run at Southfield Church in Nailsea and there contact details are here. Also the Nailsea Community Group have the Community Larder open in Somerset Square in Nailsea every day in the morning from 10.00am. If you need any further information do contact the Church Office welcome@htnailsea.org.uk or 01275 853227.